Decisive moments become memories and nurtured memories become history. The ones who capture the moments to make them memoirs are the ones who make history. A decade has passed by but the memories are vivid without any decay. On March 13th 2002, when I left home in the morning, I never thought that it would be a day etched in my memories. It was around 3pm, the moment I surrendered to the LORD of my life. In retrospect, when I'm being blamed for the changes my loved ones see in me, I'm grateful for what He continues to do in me. Old sunday school chorus is chiming in my head when I'm typing this post of mine.(He's still working on make me what I ought to be...). With that confidence I also have the responsibility of yielding myself to His will so that I will be what He wants me to be. I've heard people say that change is good. I believe change is good when the present is not good enough. I'm glad I have an unchanging Saviour who is the best I can ask for. As I'm growing old, I've noticed the changes in my perspective, my understanding, my expressions, and the I. Rich Mullins, I hardly knew about him during his lifetime has left an ever-growing impression in my thoughts. I've learnt that God is not short of creativity to produce multiple copies of same personality. If I would let Him work in me, He will make me a masterpiece. If you've read this rambling this far, I have a divine message. You are God's masterpiece in the making. He Loves you and has a wonderful plan for you. Will you let Him complete what He has begun in you?